Monday, November 12, 2007

Oops moment at work, part 1

So I was at work on Friday, and I had a document in my in box that was supposed to go to a different department. I went up to this guy we'll call "Brian" because he was in the department that needed the document. I didn't really notice but he was going through some things in his desk drawers. I asked him:
"Who do I need to give this paper to?" and he responded
"I don't know I don't work here anymore" and I responded
"Yeah RIGHT!!!" and then he looked at me with a mad mad face and said
"Do I look like I'm joking?".
Well for the record he didn't look like he was joking. He kind of looked like he was gonna punch me but it wasn't like the eye of the tiger or anything really, it was more just like he had just been fired and I was causing an embarrassing scene over the matter. Once I caught on to that fact I just said, "Oh, I'm sorry" and quietly sneaked away, almost in a tip-toe fashion. Then I quietly started telling everyone in my department how "Brian" just got fired, but really they should feel bad for me because I got looked at with a mean mean face! ha ha!
There is an illustration to go along with this story.

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